The outcome: Grooovy bebeh!! Thanks to the wonderful job by the Committee.. And of course, my dearest volunteers. Gawd! I adore them!

Me and the volunteers.
From left, Fawzey the groovy MC, Din the sound genius, Hazeeq the serenading hunk, Shidah the dearest, yours truly and Atiq.... the super girl!
I'm surrounded by the Youths of the Nation!
Excellent work bros and sis!
I feel the need to record this so as to keep it in memory.
The process of organising this event has been wonderful. Surrounded by supportive adek2, friends who are empathetic towards the changed humaira, i feel blessed and encouraged.
The nite before the event was spent @ Mr Teh Tarik till the wee hours. Singing along to the Hindustan songs (although i dun understand, its fun watching the others making fool of themselves, haha!~) The aftermath of the event was also spent lepaking and ventilating to each other.
Guys, you made my 2005 rawks! Thanks!
Affectionately known as Kak, Kak Zak, 'Z'
... loved... loving... loves...