I was msn-ing with Azma when i realised something.... I need to be parentified, or rather, i'm becoming parentified whether i like it or not.
I feel i need to become parents to my parents now... as they're growing older. In fact, i felt i was forced into parenting my father when he was hospitalised last few months. Now, my mom looks at me for decisions. I'm not ready!! I'm still a kid!!! I need training to be a parent for my parents!!!!
The session went quite well just now. 2 hours worth of talking and listening. Interesting though. Time went pass so fast when i was busy analysing and understanding the family. Interesting!!! I managed to apply some of the things i've learnt in family therapy, such as letting the family members choose their own seats, let them argue infront of moi and not intervening... Kewllll!! Moi.... proud of myself.
Oh yeah... realise something diff on my blog? I haf a tagboard!!! And it is made possible by.... Abg Ian!!!
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