It is a rainy Sunday, and here I am, sitting comfortably at a Mcdonalds, eating my dinner while trying to write about a camp I went 3 months ago.
I stopped typing for 10 minutes. Staring blankly at the screen of my lappie.
There are so many things to share, so many stories to tell. Where do I start?
Suddenly, I heard that familiar msn buzz.
It's Leong, a friend I met during the 10th Singapore – Malaysia Youth camp. How timely!
leong says:
leong says:
long time no c
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
been bz
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
how r u?
leong says:
how r u there?
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
i'm fine..
leong says:
leong says:
just start work
leong says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
supposed to write about smyc now... dunno wat to write
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
good for u!! About the work I mean... :D
leong says:
why u r writing about smyc?
leong says:
u all need 2 do a report for smyc?
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
not report...
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
an article
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
for magazine or filing I suppose
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
wad do you think shud i write about?
leong says:
leong says:
leong says:
good experience loh
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
Thats a lot! wad specific good experience?
leong says:
like having a good friend like me lah
leong says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
leong says:
after so long we still keep in touch
humaira..Live @ Shaw Towers McDonalds says:
true true
leong says:
although we hv to get back 2 our working life liao
Leong is right. This is something worth writing about.
3 months after our first meet, we still keep in contact, although we're miles apart and have gotten back to our mundane everyday chores.
3 months ago, we met for the first time at Nacli, for the 10th Singapore-Malaysia Youth camp, annually organised as one of the efforts to foster good relations between the two nations via its’ youths. For the past decade and more, 40 Singaporean and another 40 Malaysian youth leaders have been selected to participate in this noble programme.
For working youths like Leong and I, and some other youths from both countries, those 10 days were a great escape from work and deadlines. Our days were indulged with good food (i.e cereal prawns), exciting games, interesting places to go to, and the most importantly, excellent companies.
We remember the screaming and making Kallang waveS on the Hippo Bus ride in the middle of Orchard Road, the seemingly endless dance rehearsal for the ceremony with the Ministers, the merciless mosquito bites at Pulau Ubin, the quarry warfare on our very own rafts, the late night show with Awang who tells us stories about his funny kampung to city adjustments, and many many other snippets and little experience that we treasure and share with others when we talk about the camp.
At the end of the camp, we gained 79 new friends who acknowledge our existence, and care for our well-being. Now that we’re back at our own countries, work and schools, we constantly keep track of each others' lives (well.. most of us). Leong has gotten a job, Lena’s elder brother is getting married at end of the year and some of the Singaporean delegates are coupled up after the camp.
It is easy to make friends, but it takes a whole lot more effort to sustain a friendship. The above-mentioned shared experience help bind us all together.
This article is written to celebrate these momories. To remind us of the good times we shared, and the great friendship we shall have till the end of time.
To end, enjoy the Pahang folk song as shared by one of our friends.
Kalau ada sumur di ladang
Boleh lah hamba menumpang mandi
Kalau ada umur yang panjang
Boleh lah hamba berjumpa lagi…..
Direct translation:
If there's a well on your field
Allow me to use it to bathe
If there's time in the future
Hopefully we can meet again….
Humaira..... dancing to the tune