Yes.. its LOOONG overdue... but... hey. Better late than never they say. Late because, my photo n video team had to consolidate over 3000 pictures taken. For the benefit of my personal memory and appreciation, i'm just gonna d/l my fav moments/pictures.

The Umbrella people. We RAWK!!
I actually miss the rehearsals, the endless practices and bickerings of the members. Oh~ Aina's scoldings too "Aiyaa... not like that lar!Can you guys be serious or not. Don't kick too hard. Be lady liiiiikkkeeee... Be suwaaaaaarve. suwaaaarve. You know what i mean? (Actually she meant suave)" and etc etc.
Learning modern dance, ladies? It beats those gym workout regime! =D

(Left) Ailing Darling.. my partner in crime.
As camp's Official photographers, we did a damn good job aint we? =D

(Right) Miss Huda a.k.a Miss National Leader..With Moggie sesat kat belakang tuh
This is my favourite moment @ Ubin. As a Watch, we were tasked to build a raft and test it on real water. So.. we were listening to the instruction...

...and strategising... and figuring out how to tie the complicated knots...

Now this is our completed Raft...

Talking about Sui Sen, it took me 2 days @ OBS to realise how FAMILIAR the name is. NUS mates, you remember Bizad Hon Sui Sen library?? The most terperuk lib but super comfy (before the newly renovated Arts library lar). The library was only relevant when we do our Human Resource Management module (muahahaha)
Niwei.. back to rafting...

(Haha!! The lop-sided raft on the extreme left is my watch's. Something gone wrong during the design stage. We survived... barely...) =D


(Left) Visited by Bro Shahid..... (Right) THE INSTRUCTORSSSSSS!!!

BBQ @ Nacli and Cultural Nite @ (i cant remember the place)... I'm the modern Japanese Muslimah with half kimono and denim skirt and tudung. Rojak betol

Pics pics pics
Smile smile smile

Sabbie the 'Serial' prawn

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