Cik Yah drove us all to the place. When i said 'us', i mean all 10 of us; Cik Yah the driver, my mader the co-pilot who can't handle the wheel, myself the camerawoman with the shining new Canon Ixus 4.0, kak Mamas the childcarer, Wajihah the sarcastic, Aishah the trekker with slippers, Shafiq the only Boy, Haslinda the quiet one, Munirah the baby and Noraini... who's supposed to be our guide for the day. She made us lost. We were trapped in the dunno wat for a good 3 hours!!!!!!! After the walk, everyone was very cranky. We bought Nasi Lemak from Adam Rd. I could see smiles in thoses faces again. Munirah the youngest 'trekker' were so cute throughout the sesat session. She kept asking in a matter-of-fact manner 'Why do we have to go for a canopy walk? Is it important in life?' and the most threatening question that i simply cant answer: "Are we There Yet?" When she asked that, her sister or i would piggyback her. And yeah! My back hurts.
After the delicious makan2 session and shower and solat, ALL of us lepak!! Until 6pm when my other aunt called to inform bout the multiple earthquakes that happened to various places. We switched to CNA and followed the news. I was scared. And still tired.
Despite the natural disaster happening outside, i had fun spending time with my family.

The Kuzzins

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