So... going back to the picnic story... I'm in charged of games for this gathering. It was sooo FUN playing camp-like games with your family members. Zaki, Wajihah n moi are SAFF members, so they are expected to help me when i blunder. So high hope lar!!! They dun cooperate one!! Thank goodness Abang Sabri was there. He suggested this Blanket/Wayang Kulit game. I improvised a bit... and voila!!!! Fun watching surprised faces from my aunties n uncle!! Hahahahahaha!!! Wat a day.....
Used my NEW camera (haha!! December is gadget month. Bonus lar...) to capture the wonderful memories... Lurve my family LOTS!!!

Kewl little Munirah made her mom laugh!
She made everyone laughed!

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