What have i been up to?
1. Tripod Camp 2007
2. Taiwan
3. Pangkor Island
4. Marriage and Partners
5. Our fight about a paper
6. How Princess Diana talks to me?
7. The Last Fire Work
8. The date with Yong
I'll begin from the last.
Ang Seng Yong's going off to Taiwan for a year. South Taiwan to be exact (Tainan, Nan means south --> i'm learning Mandarin, whee!!!) for a post in the army. So we met in a pub at the Esplanade.
Its kinda typical of Yong to introduce me to these places. We went to the Balcony beside Heeren for supper before. And he's already planning to bring me to another 'classy' pub, just to show me around (ceett! as if i'm a tourist). In a way i am. And i thank him for this opportunity. We talked about relationships, differences in culture, possible future inter-religious programmes in the nation in a so-called different environment.
Hey, i'm not planning to bring him to mosques in the name of 'cultural exchange', as he PRO-ACTIVELY has been doing so himself. Yong is a member of Young Sikh Association, and currently been active in Taoist Association. He has been involved in a number of inter-racial talks and a member of inter-religious circle (IRC). Consequently, mosque visiting is part of the job.
"Hey Yong! What drink do you recommend me?"
"You drink Orange juice lar"
"What are YOU drinking?"
"Red wine"
"hmmm... lemme try champaign"
"You crazy girl! You cant drink that lar! You're a Muslim!"
I smiled.
Yong is doing his bit of 'da'wah' to me.
"Joking lar! I'll try this chocolate thingy"
"Good choice!"
"Hey! They have root beer here!"
Lulu, a staff from the Taoist Association was there, accompanying Yong while waiting for me. She said
"But Root Beer got beer what? cannot right?"
"Silly girl! No alcohol lar!!"
Another point for Yong. He knows quite well about the jurispudence. I smiled again and nodded my head to affirm him.
We moved on talking about personal life and relationship issues, with a dash of religious perspectives in it. As Lulu is not so eloquent in English (Lulu's a Malaysian, studied in Taiwan, marrying a Hong Konger), Yong had to be the translator. A SULKING translator. We had fun!
To Yong, all the best in your posting! May you find beautiful South Taiwanese girl and bring her home. Or, May you find peace in whatever decision you choose (ahakz). And CUT DOWN ON THOSE STICKS!!
Till we meet again in the New Year Celebration.
"And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your language and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge" - Rum, 22