Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Call Upon the Time

The stomach cramp has been killing me (my mood to be specific, and my ability to complete my daily tasks). I took 1.5 days of time off for the week. That's A LOT according to me, as i have 18cm high of in-tray to conquer every day (refer picture, the green frog is supposed to control the intray. It struggles as you can see it fighting to stay balanced). The look of my workstation doesnt help relieving the pain, so, resting and sleeping at home is most apt... its about time to open up my course notes too...

Oh yeah~ My assignment....

I'm writing this as an advert to those who may have had their hands on the banned book "The Satanic Verses" written by Salman Rushdie (May Allah guide him to the right path). It is still banned in Singapore and i'm making a plea to anyone who may have read it (or actually have the book stacked in some secret mysterious place).

Share with me your experience reading it.

Lend me the book (even better).

Please email me
at if u haf any info.

So, any laments for the week?

I just took 1.5 days worth of time-off! That's 1.5 days worth of work! 1.5 days worth of opening the casefiles and updating myself on clients' lives! But then, those 1.5 days outside the office allow me to update myself with my studies. Not so bad afterall huh?

I'm 24, and i seem to
be hearing the clock ticking clearer than before (hey it ryhmes!)

Time... is no long
er an excess luxury.
Time... is no long
er a luxury even!

I find myself unable to say "I have time for that, i'll help you with that". Not like when i was 17!

I find myself thinking of the opportunity cost of spending certain actions for certain time, asking myself if its worth... well... my time.

I find myself.... choked with the lack of it, ambitious to satisfy many tasks within the very limited time!

I find myself.... appreciating so much, the very frie
nds and comrades who spent time with me, despite the other million things they can achieve with that time :)

I find myself appreciating every minute in life, thanking Allah for this ni'mah of being able to spend time to achiev
e His redha (insyaAllah)

I find myself... relieved.

So let's call upon the Time...
to perfect eeman
to perform good deeds
to remind one anoth
er to the truth
to remind one another to patience

Show me the line between creativity and mere resp

When time is soo much well spent

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