Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The wunderschon German Affair

And so the wall of defense was broken... twice! By the Musollini's team.

Aaaa.... It was a good war nevertheless.

My stomach-ache begins to subside now...

Freud would diagnose me for experiencing psychosomatic symptom... the feeling of anxiety so overwhelming that my bodily function needs to react.

Freud would understand. If he's still alive, he would experience the same symptoms too...

I wonder... if Freud is still alive, his office will be swamped with football fans' post-(0-2 loss) trauma. And he may be listening and evaluating the various coping behaviours or efforts coming out from the die-hard fans.... (or the endless remorse from that luxurious bet on the German's victory) *hehe* Believe me... i had thousands of reasonings trying to positively re-frame the loss when i tried sleeping after the match. I couldnt sleep, hence the blogging.

My first truly World Cup experience...... it kinda ends 1 week early.

To honour Humaira's World Cup experience, let's recap the highlights of the month:

1. Excellent Germany vs dunno-what-country opening game! Classic! But defense still sux
The late night Germany-Argentina match at West Coast MacDonalds. Germany fans RAWK! (n rowdy)
3. Farhan's juvenile bet: "I will solat for ONE MONTH if Germany score that stupid penalty". Germany did. And Farhan re-tracks his bet (coward!)
4. The Late night pre-solat malam entertainment: READING England's loss via SMS and irritating England fans! Muahahahahaha!!
5.The Late night solat during first-half of Germany- Italy match, and the loss :( ---> Lehmann still the mann for those killer saves (ironic! He single handedly sent 2 players off for injury... incidentally)

Coming up...
Facing non-German fans the next day :(

I can sense my stomach-ache coming... ouch *bend down, Beckam style (without the vomit, of coz)*

Before i conclude this article, i'm obligated to do one more thing to honour my team; Russell-Peter-ing the opponent!!!!

One of the roads to recovery.... Enjoy

Distracted by the ball (u see a pun, u're yellow!)

wunderschon -- the 'o' has double dots on it. I can't seem to be able to have that font function. Anyone can help me rectify this problem? I cant even write french without this function. Heellpp!!

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