Tuesday, November 23, 2004

When i came home @ 1.30am.....

I'm dead beat... but i'm not sleeping. I feel... workaholic-ish tonight. Maybe because i've successfully edited a video presentation. I'm sooo happy and satisfied with the product. Voilaaaa~ perfecto (well... almost...)

Had quite a (haha!) clumsy day today. I spilled the teh susu on myself. My denim skirt was drenched with the chocolatish-coloured drink... together with some of my case files, my BAG!!!!, some of my work stuffs.. drats!

I just received my Starhub bill and good news good news.... i have the lowet amount of bill i've ever received! Double achievement for humaira today.. hip hip hurrah! hip hip hurrah! wakakakakaka....

Oh! One of my earlier favourite clients made a surprise visit. Surprise visits are never a 'good' surprise. I was getting ready for the worst case scenario... well... the REAL worst is far worst than what i've expected. He decided to leave home coz he couldnt tahan the newly 'empowered' wife. I kinda feel guilty for suggesting wife to go out to werk. But then, if she's not werking, then the family will be far worst than the current situation! Oh well... human beings... solutions will become problems.... soooo expected!

Also accompanied my colleague to visit one of her clients. Interesting getting to know the neighbourhood. I've always 'dreamt' of driving around Jurong West area and identify the blocks where my clients live.... but then... it had never happen... lets see why.... drive? identify blocks? time? fuiyoooo.... mebe wen i have license... mebe wen i have a car...mebe wen i have enough time...mebe... mebe....

I need to refresh my memory on how to operate Macromedia Director... *sigh* Hello dust.. again!

Gosh! I just slept in front of the keyboard. Oh no!!! i need to stay awake.. mebe i can eat. Hey!! but its after 8pm. Oh.. who cares? I havent had dinner anyway.. no harm eating Ayam Tuna with cream crackers waaaaad.... (reasoning antenna busy searching for reception).

orait... me haf to eat.. n search for the file.. else, my werk will never get done.

Humaira.. the director wiz (wannabe)

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