Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm soo happeee today!!

1. Started werk feeling EXTREMELY sleepy (which is not good! Notty me!)

2. Had good lunch with colleagues. We talked about stress@werk and the root of the evil. Apparently, this year, we're doing things more intensively. We're conducting programmes, rather than coordinating. Casework jangan cakap, memang sentiasa challenging. More werk, less manpower, adds to more stress. Nevertheless, i think, this profession is already very well known for the high level of STRESS. Thus, its important to identify a lifeline ~ something that can make me sane. Knowing and believing WHY one is in this industry is also important, and knowing why we're doing what we're doing too.. so as not to lose focus.

It's been such a long time since i have a notebook and a pen in my hand, sitting, alone, by the bay... thinking bout LIFE. Need to do that soon....

Gosh! My in-tray is still manageable, alhamdulillah, despite my busy-ness outside office.

3. Fidza came to visit!! WooHhOooOoOOoooo~!! Miss my 'kawan lebih sepuluh tahun' group. Most of them haf graduated and are graduating, alhamdulillah. So, now, more time to lepak and enjoy life together.. i hope. Anywei... she came to show me her Independent Study. I'm SOO Proud of her!! HEHE.. Proud of me too... for being able to be part of her product. Read my 'quotes' in her paper.

4. She showed me the video on Social Workers with me inside.. talking bout the perks of being a Social Worker. WooHoOOoO!! So Kewwl!! feeling paisey too.. haha

5. My article was published on Berita Harian!! My 1-day effort to answer the Bicara Hati question on anak angkat... in MALAY. Fair enough.. the editor is smart enough to understand what i'm trying to say and beautify my language. Haha! Ryte..........

6. Went shopping with Rashidah. Got good stuffs, except skirts and sandals. Still can't get the ones i really like. Nevermind.. can still scout at other places.

My day ended well.

Luv my life.

Humaira... all pink and smiley

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